Friday, February 18, 2011

Shift Happens Reflection

What did you learn that surprised you after watching "Shift Happens?" Explain.


  1. After watching shift happens i was surprised to learn that that guy can text that fast.


  2. that America is going down the drain do to technology

    1. Even without the video, I agree entirely. It's obvious no matter how you look at it. T.R.C

  3. I learned that Computers, cell phones and websites are most used in the world, that technology is going up and newspapers radios and such are going down. I mean we are putting tv's in our bathrooms now can you believe that!

  4. I learned how many text messages the average person send. It surprised me because I send nowhere near that much.


  5. I learned that a lot of of people watch to much tv in the bathroom and in a way we are saving trees by having tech. but tech. is taking over the world and many people are becoming lazy and over weight. there needs to be a change.

  6. I am suprised that there are tv's in the bathrooms. That there are so many cell phones.

  7. I was suprised at the amount of wikipedia pages and websites. I think we should allow technology to grow-Justin Whiton

  8. i learned on avereage teenagers text 2,212 text messages a month which is crazy! O.O

  9. after watching this its not that we knew everything but we knew most of the stats. but i find it every interesting.


  10. I was surprised by how large the old computer was.


    1. The first computer, the Z1, made by Konrad Zuse was about the size of a smart car squished flat. It was built on several tables which each part of the computer was on (each smart car size). So based on the size of the Z1 and the size of the computer at MIT, computers actually got larger before they got smaller.

  11. I learned how many people own t.v's and cell phones. It surprised me, but not a lot because almost everyone i know has a cell phone, but to know how many people in the u.s. actually own cell phones is almost surprising.

  12. I learned that the advertising on tv, radio, etc. is decreasing, but the advertising on the computer, or a cell phone is growing. This doesn't surprise me seeing as almost everyone uses one of those, if not both, and they aren't watching tv as much, or listening to the radio.

  13. I was mega-shocked that Obama had the skills to use sites like Facebook to rake in the dough. And that people have TV's in their bathrooms. That's just creepy. Mikaela

  14. I thought the most interesting topic in the video was all the percentages on cell phones and texts. They were surprising compared to the news papers and magazines. Emma Williams

  15. I was surprised that 2 million people have toilets in their bathroom. Also, i was surprised that 17% of major companies have disciplined their workers/co-workers because of comments on social networking. My favorite part was the quote: "What used to fit in a building now fits in your pocket; in 20 years, what used to fit in your pocket will fit in a blood cell"

    1. and eventually a neuron. (yeah technology)

  16. I learned from watching the video that 2,272 texts are sent every month by an average teenager. For me, the number of texts I send per month is significantly less than that of the average teenager, but is still quite high.

    Another fact I learned is that 90% of people pay to have no advertisements while watching tv. This sort of surprised me. My family records shows so we can fast forward through all the commercials.


  17. It surprised me that 2,000,000 TVs are in bathrooms.

  18. The most surprising fact in the video, for me, is that 2,000,000 tvs are in bathrooms!

  19. i learned that our world is changing and for the most part it is helpful. The dictator overturning in the middle east started with social networking like twitter and facebook. technology is a way to connect with people no matter how far away they are.

    1. Yes this is true, the overturning did start with social networking, but then the defending dictators shut down all internet access there. So the social networking was part of the spark that got the ball rolling.

  20. I learned from watching the video that we are removing advertising from tv's, magazines, newspapers, etc.

  21. I was extremely surprised by the amount of televisions in the U.S. and especially in the bathroom! The use of cell phones and texting and the amount we use them was interesting too. I knew that the use of newpapers, books, and writing as gone down but it was interesting to see how much. Also since this was made a year ago I think the number of people reading books will go down because of the new technology of kindels.

  22. ILY means i love you

  23. I was surprised by the fact that Obama managed to fund his campaign through social networking.


  24. I can't believe that we might be fitting computers in our blood cells in a mere 20 years. Also, the fact that 95% of songs are downloaded illegally is sad.


  25. It is amazing that youtube, Facebook, and myspace were not here six years ago. AB

    1. I agree, I feel that its been around forever. I just Can't get over how dependent people are on these social networks. Like some peoples job depend on there ability to create a good video on Youtube or a well liked page on facebook.


  26. t.v in bathrooms!
    and how many texts a teenager writes in a week,

    1. I agree about the tv thing, that's a bit disturbing.

    2. I think it goes to show that almost everything is being replaced by technology, even the old magazines in the bathroom. It does seem a little crazy.


  27. I was extremely surprised to find out that some broadcasting stations that have been around for a combined 200 years have had less videos on them than youtube, myspace, and facebook have had submitted in the last month.-NS

  28. I was suprised that people actually put televisions in their bathroom! Also, I was suprised at the average number of text messages sent by a teenager, becasue I don't text that much. Also, one guy send over 200,000! That's crazy!

  29. That Obama used money to send to social networks. YOu would think he would raise money for campaigning.

  30. From the shift video i was suprised how Obama use social networks for his campaign

  31. I wasn't surprised by much except maybe the average number of texts teens send a month. Crazy stuff.


    1. Same here. The rate of texting is ridiculous. I can't believe how much kids text now a days..

  32. I was surprised that in 2020 we could have technology that could fit in a single blood cell.

    1. I most definitely agree with this statement. Strangely, I am not entirely NOT surprised (if that makes sense). If you look at telephones, for example, there were the giant old-fashioned black phones that you had to spin a circular part of the phone to enter the numbers. Now, there is the Droid Razr that fits in your pocket and has the thickness of a small stack of paper.

  33. i was surprised that people send that many text, because I usually don't text at all.

  34. I was honestly not surprised by the numbers. The only social network site I use is Instagram and I just read text fails and strange facts. I already knew about 85% of what was said in the video.


  35. I learned that entertainment sights such as you-tube and face-book were not invented 6 years ago.

  36. Overall, this short video has many facts all about technology. I was shocked about the number that use twitter, facebook, etc. It was crazy that 95% of people downloaded songs illegally! Overall a interesting and educated video!

  37. The information wasn't exactly "surprising it was more of a shock actually seeing the numbers and statistics of what a technologically based world we live in.

  38. I learned that a very big company could upload all of its information into Wikipedia in .001 seconds.

  39. I wasnt to surprised by the video. I would say that I was surprised by the average number of texts that were sent by us


  40. I personally am highly suppressed by the amount of decrease in standard advertising. I was also apprised by the amount of radio stations as I assumed that there would be more.


  41. Knowing that physical newspaper circulation was down, it surprised me to find that digital distribution increased disproportionately. More people began to read online versions of the newspaper than those who stopped receiving a genuine paper.


  42. I was prepared, at the beginning of this video, to be surprised and taken back by their new facts, and I was. I was a little surprised that 95% of the music downloaded in the last year was not done legally. I was also surprised that the average teen sends 2272 text messages a year. In general, I found this video interesting.

  43. The giant numbers that were brought up in this video surprised me quite a bit. I knew that when technology improved, a bunch of change came with it. What I did not know is how MUCH it changed. For instance, 95 percent of people downloading music have been downloading it illegally. This shows that with the expansion of technology also brought the capability of doing certain actions illegally. I also found how an INCREDIBLE amount of people with TV's in their bathrooms quite disturbing. I personally don't spend enough time on the toilet to watch anything at all. I wonder if it encourages people to go to the bathroom... Hmm...


  44. I was not very surprised by the facts that were in the video but I was surprised about how fast a computer evolved from the size of the building and now they fit into our pocket.

  45. I was surprised at how many TVs are in bathrooms. I just don't see why people would want to have a TV in their bathroom, it just seems pointless.

  46. i never knew any of the stuff that i watched i never knew how many people have tv's in there bathrooms and i didnt know how many people used facebook and youtube in the past 6 years there is alot of people using networking sites its crazy. the thought of having a phone type thing be able to fit in your bloodcells and really scary and really odd to think about i think that is kinda crazy.

  47. I was suprised by how much money Nobama made in the election against John MCain.


  48. Watching Shift Happens really make me think about the world and how we are communicating, acting upon ourselves. The information was very upsetting. The fact that our cell phone will be in our bodies by 2020 is crazy. That is something that personally I do not want to happen. The world is fine the way it is now with technology, I don't think that we should have all of this unnecessary technology.

  49. I can't believe that a guy typed the whole Guiness book of World Records in 41 seconds! I can text about the same number of texts a year as the average teen.


  50. I wasn't surprised at all. The world is taking a turn for the technological and it has been that way since the first computer was invented. Not surprising.

  51. I realized how fast technology is changing, and that because of technology we are putting TV's in our bathrooms instead of just reading a newspaper.

  52. I was amazed that 93% of downloaded music is being illegally downloaded. I thought nowhere near that much. It also surprised me how many TV's were in bathrooms


  53. I wasn't that surprised on what it happening to the world with technology but i mean because of it we aren't reading new papers anymore we are putting TV's in the bathrooms and thats are source of information now

    1. I agree. without TV people were reading and getting smarter by doing so, but now there's TV's in bathrooms...seriously


  54. I was surprised, but also not surprised. I didn't quite know all the facts and numbers, though I did know that the world is looking to technology all the time.


  55. I was blown away about the fact that bathrooms have electronics than newspapers.. I guess I just didn't realize how much everything was changing. Looking at cell phone like 4 years ago to now there's a big difference. From Flip phones to IPhones. CRAZY!

  56. I was surprized to find how many text were sent in a month. I knew that we are on our phones but not that much. It shocking. Also the fact that people have T.V.'s in the bathroom I find that totally unacceptable.


    1. I agree with you on that it's now come to the point where it seems like most people rely on phones to do mostly everything for them.

  57. I wasn't super surprised on most of the statements. I think it's odd and rather awkward to have a t.v. in your bathroom, but other than that none of it surprised me too much. It's obvious from just looking around your typical everyday life to notice that just about everything humans do now involve some form of technology. T.R.C

  58. I'm surprised an entire revolution was based around social networking. ~Z.P~
